Horsemanship Clinic – Jim and Andrea Anderson
Prairieland Park 503 Ruth Street West, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, CanadaDo you want to take your horsemanship higher? Up your game and gain more confidence? Have a better connection with your horse? Understand the why behind what your horse is doing? We can help, and will be in Saskatoon May 12-17, 2017. Your goals are within reach! Our program is rooted in helping you achieve [...]
Obstacle Fun Day
Canter Bay Equestrian Saskatoon, CanadaCome play with obstacles! Expect some new obstacle additions for this one!! $20 for CCC members; $25 for non-members. Get CCC memberships at if you want the discount. **You MUST keep RSVP updated because we have a limited number of spots so we do not exceed arena capacity. We have previously had people RSVP [...]
Paul Dufresne Clinic
Willow Ridge Stables , CanadaThe Training For Courage Clinic with Paul Dufresne is returning to Saskatoon in May at Willow Ridge Stables. Friday evening starts out with an incredible demo (7pm) by Paul as part of his TFC clinic, to give an opportunity for everyone to see the different stages of training. Last year he demonstrated endotapping on a [...]
Obstacle Challenge Steak Night
Original Joe's Restaurant & Bar 839 51st Street, Saskatoon, , SK S7K 5C6, CanadaATTN obstacle enthusiasts: Buy your steak night (or vegetarian option) tickets for Sun, May 21!!! It's to raise money in order to recoup our 'challenge fund' so that we can put on awesome, smoothly-run challenges with incentives such as added prizes, a funny announcer and extra 'bang'!!! Obstacle challenges are the latest hype in the [...]
Canadian Cowboy Challenge Competition
Canter Bay Equestrian Saskatoon, CanadaThe ultimate test of horsemanship! Prize money and CCC placement points. All levels welcome. Shooting Sprouts, Youth, Novice, Rookie, Non-Pro, Open/Pro, Older-Than-Dirt, Buckin' Crazies. Only minutes North of Saskatoon at Canter Bay Equestrian