If you are interested in hosting a Trail Horse Challeng event, send a message and I’ll post the event on this site. We also have a facebook page, so all events will be posted there as well.
Please specify in your message:
- your full name and phone number
- the date, time and location of the event
- what terrain the event will be held on (forest, an arena, pasture)
- whether or not riders need to bring a lunch
- how many challenges you will have and what they are (see below for ideas)
Event Options
If you cannot provide judges at each challenge, you can draw names so that 3 people will ride together and judge each other.
In order to accomodate people/horses of various riding experience and to maximize your turnout, decide on either of the following options:
1. 12 challenges, top seven go toward grand total of points/horse
2. 8 challenges, top 5 go toward grand total of points/horse
Ideas for Challenges
- bridge (platform or real bridge)
- fallen log (step over)
- curtain (doorway with suspended strips of carpet, plastic or rope) Example 1 Example 2
- ascend/descend steep hill
- straw bale alley
- cyclist on trail (a cycler crosses the trail 15-20 metres in front of the horse)
- quad (driving around or dragging something)
- labrynth (poles on ground, walk through then back through) Example 1 Example 2
- corner (walk through, then back through)
- tarp (walk over tarp)
- tarp (carry over neck from one location to another)
- stepping over several poles
- dragging (log, tire, sack etc.)
- pool noodles (pick up noodles and carry from one location to another)
- horsewash (doorway with noodles rubbing both sides of horse) Example 1 Example 2
- open/close metal, wood or rope gate
- tractor
- large rock and/or a pile of rocks
- snake pit (lower ground or hole with a garden hose in it)